Coffee and Tea Stakeholder Awareness Campaign on COVID-19
In a move to mitigate the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on every single sector and small businesses, MARKUP, through International Trade Centre, joined efforts to inform coffee and tea stakeholders, laboratories and factories on essential precautions to adapt during the pandemic period and provided a set of clinical inferred thermometers. These were handed over to the Tea Office of Burundi, OTB (Buhoro, Rwegura, Teza, Jenda and Tora), the Coffee Board ODECA (SODECO, CBC, HORAMAMA COFFEE DRY MILL, BUDECA and SIVCA), the Burundi Bureau of Standards (Norms and Quality Control), the National Centre for Food Technology (CNTA) and PROTHEM S.A, a private tea company in Mwaro Province.