Examining Tanzania’s trade performance and opportunities during COVID
It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic shook up global supply chains. From shifts in demand, to logistical and labour challenges on the supply side, things have not stayed the same. But to what extent did the COVID-19 crisis impact the trade opportunities of producing countries? Is it possible that new opportunities will emerge from this global crisis?
In order to help answer some of these questions, Market Analysts from ITC presented the results of an ITC-MARKUP study on the impact of COVID-19 on Tanzania’s avocado, coffee, spices and tea sector. The study was presented during a webinar on November 3. The event was co-hosted with Tanzania’s trade authority (Tantrade) and saw the participation of representatives of the European Union as well as the EAC. MARKUP’s Senior Technical Advisor Mr. Safari Fungo moderated the event and demonstrated ways of benefitting from the existing resources to navigate export opportunities, including the EAC Quality for Trade Portal and the EAC Regional Trade information Portal.
Although 2020 remained a year full of uncertainties, participants went back to their business obligations with a lighter spirit – thinking of the opportunities ahead for Tanzanian exports.