Improving Avocado Production in Tanzania
With support from EU-EAC MARKUP, more than 100,000 improved avocado seedlings will be produced through a well-established nursery in Igongolo village, Njombe, Tanzania.
More than thirty avocado farmers and members from Nguvu Kazi group will benefit from the nursery. In preparation, they received extension training on Voluntary Sustainability Standards and climatic smart practices from HORTI-Tengeru and Solidaridad.
The avocado nursery will help them to generate income by selling improved seedlings and distribute them to other farmers in the community to make the avocado value chain more sustainable.
The EU-funded project To Certification and Beyond under EAC-EU MARKUP through Solidaridad East and Central Africa intends to support 21,000 smallholder farmers to adopt Voluntary Sustainability Standards and improve market access for products from the coffee, tea and horticulture value chain in Njombe, Mbeya, Songwe, Ruvuma and Zanzibar by 2023.
Farmers of the Nguvu Kazi Group in Njombe, Tanzania are preparing and planting avocado seedlings.