MARKUP Kenya to Train and Support Small-Scale Horticulture Farmers in Trans Nzoia County
Trans Nzoia County is one of the 12 counties earmarked by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) under EU-EAC MARKUP to train and support small scale-farmers in the horticulture, passion, French beans and snow peas sectors. In an event at the County boardroom on 4 March 2021, UNIDO project coordinator Mr Maina Karuiru said that MARKUP will strengthen the extension services, promote the concept of good agricultural practices and compliance requirements for better market access and build the capacity of the inspection, testing and certification systems to address the gaps along the entire supply chain of the identified products. The CEC for Agriculture, Ms Mary Nzomo, applauded the initiative and acknowledged that it will go a long way in ensuring farmers are economically empowered through modern methods of agriculture, as the trained farmers will be trainers of trainees (TOT) thereby replicating the project to new groups. She also said that the county is moving towards high value crops, but farmers lack knowledge on best agricultural practices. MARKUP will link farmers to international markets, thereby creating shared prosperity and advancing economic competitiveness. Counties selected under the programme in Kenya include Trans Nzoia, Bungoma, Uasin Gishu, Busia, Makueni, Nakuru, Siaya, Taita Taveta, Homabay, Machakos Embu and Kajiado.
Read more the full story on the Trans Nzoia County Facebook Page.