Business to Business Speed Dating: Online Solutions Create Market Linkages at Times of COVID-19
What if you were told that online speed dating is the latest trend for creating new business connections? To overcome the restrictions to international travel and other safety measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, International Trade Centre organised an online business to business (B2B) networking session for Tanzanian spices exporters. The session, which took place on November 17, brought together five Tanzanian spices exporters and four European buyers over a zoom meeting.
The spices exporters that joined the B2B event have been part of MARKUP`s activities since 2019, and have since been coached on a series of topics, with the support of international experts from the spices sector. The experts have been providing support on a wide range of topics, from product quality, processing techniques and business linkages.
Discussions between exporters and buyers are still ongoing. Promising business leads emerged, with European buyers expressing their interest to visit Tanzania soon and meet the exporters in person. Stay tuned!