ITC Tools Help Tanzanian Exporters in Export Market Analysis and Research
MARKUP, through the International Trade Centre, organised a two-day Workshop on the use of ITC tools to perform export market analysis and research, in collaboration with Tanzania Trade Authority (Tantrade) and the University of Dar es Salaam Business School (UDBS) through MARKUP.
Three ITC-certified trainers from Tantrade and UDBS conducted the training from 11-12 December 2020. The trainers were part of a nation-wide network of qualified instructors, who were trained by ITC under Tanzania’s National Window in 2019, to carry out awareness raising activities and training on ITC tools for market analysis and research. Tantrade and UDBS were amongst the national institutions that received capacity-building support under this activity.
The workshop was an introductory level course on international trade statistics and market access conditions. ITC-certified trainers guided the participants, who were representing Tanzanian SMEs on how to perform market analysis and research using ITC’s Market Analysis Tools, notably, Trade Map and Market Access Map.
Participants expressed interest in learning more about the tools and felt that the workshop will help them in making better trade-related decisions.