EAC Speaks as One Voice in Codex Committees
The Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF) finished its 14th Session on May 13, 2021. Key on committee’s agenda was the adoption of maximum limits for cadmium in cocoa and cocoa products attracting interest from all cocoa producing regions of Latin America, The Caribbean and Africa as well as the biggest consumers the EU and USA
The committee agreed to advance the following standards and a code of practice to the 44 session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, scheduled for November 2021, for adoption:
1. Maximum limit of 0.3mg/kg for chocolates containing or declaring <30% cocoa total solids
2. Maximum limit of 0.7mg/kg for chocolates containing or declaring >30% to <50% cocoa total solids
3. A Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Cadmium in Cocoa Beans
The decisions are in line with the EAC common position that was formulated by the EAC Codex Forum meeting held virtually in March 2021, with EU-EAC MARKUP support.
For more background information on standards in the EAC see https://www.eacmarkup.org/resources/publications/policy-briefs