New on the Quality for Trade Platform
The second module of the EAC Quality for Trade Portal was launched in June during the first regional virtual meeting for all EAC Quality Champions (QCs). Participants from companies in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda attended this meeting.
Quality Connect (https://un-consulting.ch/eac/connect) is an interactive module to connect the regional network of quality experts, including the QCs trained under the MARKUP programme. Institutional and individual quality experts from across the region were available to offer help, insights and quality-related services specific to selected commodities.
Since 2019, International Trade centre via MARKUP trained 133 QCs, who are now coaching SMEs in their respective countries on quality improvement and food safety standards.
When movement restrictions and social distancing norms were introduced, the MARKUP support team quickly adapted to the new way of doing business by organising national conference calls and remote meetings. QCs began virtual coaching sessions for companies and continued working to achieve the agreed upon objectives.
In June, the team brought together QCs from across the region to share best practices, tips and lessons learned to help further strengthen the QC community.
The meeting covered ways of moving forward through COVID- 19 and ensuring safety of products and the launch of new Quality Connect module.