Trade Barriers in the Coffee Sector
MARKUP through ITC prepared a Regional Draft Paper on Trade Obstacle in the Coffee Sector. This was followed by a webinar for focal points of EAC Coffee Business Management Organisations (BMOs) on 3rd July 2020 with the objective of exchanging views on the regional advocacy approach. In attendance were representatives of the coffee sector BMOs, among them InterCafé (Burundi), Kenya Coffee Traders Association (KCTA), Coffee Exporters & Processors Association of Rwanda (CEPAR), Tanzania Coffee Association (TCA) and Uganda Coffee Federation (UCF) and national ITC coordinators.
The Regional Obstacle Paper aims at addressing among others; specific trade information gaps, issues on quality and SPS measures, monitoring mechanisms and joint regional initiatives.
In the coming months, other stakeholders will be brought on board to provide further input and agree which trade obstacles in the coffee sector should be addressed as top priority.