Training Agriculture Extension Officers on Global GAP
Over 60 Agriculture Extension Officers have been trained on Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), thanks to support by the European Union (EU) through MARKUP Kenya. This is the first group of Trainers of Trainees (TOT) who have been taken through the first module. 'Those who will qualify will go through the second module starting next week,' says Maina Karuru, MARKUP Kenya’s National Project Coordinator
After the third modules, the trainees will have qualified to train farmers groups in counties on Global GAP. Markup Kenya aims at training a total of 1,500 farmers in groups on Global GAP. 'Global GAP is the minimum requirement for market access. By training the farmers, MARKUP Kenya will have empowered them to ensure they meet these basics,' says Maina.
Global GAP, he adds, enhances assurance of safe, quality food with due regard to compliance to environmental safety and basic welfare for farm employees.
Although this training was planned to be physical, it had to be done virtually owing to the COVID-19 situation in the country.
This article was first published on the web site of MARKUP Kenya